Mudgee Guardian
Sunday, 28 July 2024
Our People
Vince Lovecchio's film named a global semi finalist.
Tanya Marschke
Police arrested the player at the scene.
Dominic Unwin Alex Mitchell Scott Bailey
File photo of an NRLW ball. Picture is from file
'You're writing notes everywhere like a little child, an idiot.'
Jay-Anna Sleeman
Bathurst Courthouse, where Paul James Garwell was sentenced on July 3, 2024. File picture
Federal Election
Voters are being asked what matters to them ahead of election.
Tanya Marschke
The advocacy group says businesses leave scam victims feeling alone and ashamed.
Eileen Wood
Victims are often given little help after they have been scammed. ACM file picture
Police arrested the player at the scene.
Dominic Unwin Alex Mitchell Scott Bailey
File photo of an NRLW ball. Picture is from file
Issue cover

Friday, 26 July 2024

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Car Expert
The Senior
The advocacy group says businesses leave scam victims feeling alone and ashamed.
Eileen Wood
Disability is on the rise and young people are stepping up to help.
Rowan Cowley
The number of young Australians serving in caring roles is snowballing. Picture from Shutterstock
A new app encourages people to explore Australia via the open road.
Rowan Cowley
The app boasts 30 fully mapped routes and counting. Picture supplied
The Land